• Second book | Vet notes: Comparative Anatomy

      “Vet Notes: Comparative Anatomy" is a masterful work born from the passion and expertise of Dr.Leatrize, a vet and an artist from th...
  • First Book | Vetnotes: Farm Animal Disease

    Vet notes: Farm Animal Disease is a quick reference guide for veterinary students. It should be especially helpful to visualize the disease because of the illustrations.
  • First Art Exhibit | COALESCENCE 2020

    COALESCENCE/ˌkōəˈlesns/ —noun: the blending or coming together of two different entities into one Fatima has been drawing and painting since ...

    Everyday is a struggle in vet school, especially when the hell week is coming.

    Every student wants to pass and studying is the only way to achieve this.

    So here are the study tips to help keep you going