Veterinary Medicine: Ruminant ( cattle, sheep, goat)
Veterinary Medicine: Ruminant ( cattle, sheep, goat)

Veterinary Medicine: Ruminant ( cattle, sheep, goat)

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Topics covered in this study guide digital copy include:
(36 pages )

- Anaplasmosis/ Gallsickness
- Anthrax/ Charbon/Milzbrand/ Woolsorter’s ds/ Splenic fever/ Siberian ulcer/ Malignant edema
- Babesiosis/ Pyroplasmosis/ Texas fever/ Red fever/ Tick fever
- Bacillary hemoglobinuria/Redwater disease
- Black leg/ Black quarter/ Quarter ill/ Clostridial myositis/ Emphysematous gangrene/ Symptomatic anthrax
- Bloat/ Tympany/ Tympanitis/ Hoven/ Meteorism
- Blue tongue/ Soremuzzle/ Pseudo FMD/ Epizootic catarrhal/ Muzzle dss/ Beksiete/ Malarial Catarrhal fever
- Bovine Ephemeral Fever/ Three day sickness
- Bovine Leukosis
- Bovine Spongiform Encephalopathy/ Mad cow disease
- Bovine tuberculosis
- Bovine Viral Diarrhea
- Brucellosis/ Bangs ds/Abortus fever/ Contagious abortion/ Mediteranean fever/ Undulant fever/ Malta fever
- Caprine Arthritis Encephalitis/ CAE
- Caseous lymphadenitis
- Colibacillosis/ Septicemic ds/ Colisepticemia/ Enterotoxigenic c.
- Contagious Bovine Pleuropneumonia
- Contagious Ecthyema/ ORF/ Contagius pustular dermatitis
- Coxiellosis
- Dermatophilosis/ Lumpy wool/ Strawberry footrot/ Cutaneous streptothricosis
- Fasciolosis/ Liverfluke dss/ Distomiasis/ Liver rot
- FMD/ Foot & Mouth Disease/ HMD/ Apthous fever/ Epizootic apthae/ Fievre apthteuce/ Maul-und klauenseuche
- Hardware disease/Traumatic gastritis/ Traumatic reticuloperitonitis
- Heart water
- Hemosep/Shipping fever/Hemorrhagic septicemia/ Bovine pneumonic pasteurellosis
- Infectious Bovine Rhinotracheitis (IBR)/ Infectious pustular vulvovaginitis (IPV)
- Infectious necrotic hepatitis/ Black disease
- Johne's disease/ Bovine paratuberculosis
- Keratoconjunctivitis/ Pink eye/ Infectious opthalmia
- Leptospirosis/ Red water
- Listeriosis/ Circling disease/ Listeriosis
- Lumpy jaw/ Actinomycosis
- Lumpy skin disease
- Maedi- Visna/ Zwoegersiekte/ Graaff-Reinet dss/Ovine progressive pneumonia
- Nairobi
- Necrotic laryngitis/ Calf diphtheria/Laryngeal necrobacillosis
- Peste de petits/ Ovine rinderpest/ Goat plague
- Rinderpest/ Cattle plague
- Rabies
- Scrapie/ Transmissible Spongiform Encephalitis (TSE)
- Shipping fever pneumonia/ Undifferentiated fever
- Tick borne fever/ Pasture fever
- Wooden tongue/ Actinobacillosis

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