Dr. Leatrize

Introducing Dr. Leatrize: a multifaceted visionary at the intersection of veterinary medicine and artistic expression. Hailing from the Philippines, she embodies the roles of a small animal practitioner, content creator, and author of VetNotes: Farm Animal Disease and VetNotes: Comparative Anatomy. Renowned for her enchanting anthropomorphic art, Dr. Leatrize seamlessly weaves her profound love for veterinary science with her innate artistic prowess.

From whimsical portraits to intricate illustrations, Dr. Leatrize's artwork breathes life into the world of veterinary and animals. Whether it's capturing the personality of a beloved pet or exploring the intricate details of animal anatomy through a creative lens, she has a knack for infusing her art with depth and emotion.

As she continues to push the boundaries of creativity and innovation in both fields, Dr. Leatrize's impact resonates far and wide, inspiring both aspiring veterinarians and fellow artists alike